It is a very pervasive thing in modern American culture. This "thing" is that everyone thinks they are an expert in nuclear physics (and physics in general)
and how it applies to nuclear weapons. The truth is, however, that most aren't yet they keep spreading the same stuff that they take to be truth without ever actually reading or doing any research in order to determine if they are right. But they've heard it all their lives, how could it be wrong? Ha! One common myth is that Duck & Cover is completely useless in a nuclear blast and you might as well just shoot yourself as soon as you're sure that a nuclear bomb will fall in your vicinity. This is VERY far from the truth yet people still assert that it is true BASED ON WHAT EVIDENCE? A gut feeling? Nuclear test videos? Fear of nuclear weapons? I implore you to read a book called "The Effects of Nuclear Weapons" (it's in the public domain I believe; regardless if it isn't, it's out there) before you continue to speak about nuclear weapons or even think about talking with authority on the effects of nuclear weapons. Of course there are many more resources out there so, while your at it, pick up a few more books as well. Older books are preferable as they were not yet tainted with these misconceptions. Scientific (and not opinion based) books are best which help to interpret the data collected. Trust me, what you say is only serving to spread misinformation, something that you accuse this film of doing. So, where is your evidence?
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February 17, 2008 Subject:
Duck and Cover
I really kind of got the idea to look for this after talking to my dad. It is both entertaining and sad that we tried to teach our kids, that they would
survive an atomic bomb by ducking and covering. But, they needed hope, right? :)